Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76 Meet & Greet plus A tanker

This was from this afternoon, I met up with my friend George from Photocamel (well technically Buena Vista, VA). He's also doing a 365 project. We live about an hour apart, so it was a quick jaunt to share lunch and some pleasant conversation today. Lori took the photo for us.
Yours truly and my friend George from the Photocamel forums. 

 These two shots were taken on my way home from Radnor PA, one of my projects I'm helping with on photocamel is a thread called 'the World in the mirror'... on a rotating basis we shoot whatever catches our eye in our rearview mirror that day (or a day or so ahead)...

This tanker caught my eye in the mirror... here's how it looks 'normal'.... gotta love that paint scheme!

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